Friday, 27 September 2013

Perhatian dan Pengertian

Perhatian dan pengertian sebenernya adalah dua hal yang sejenis, menurut gue. Gue mulai aware dengan dua kata ini setelah pengalaman untuk ber-LDR diuji lagi. LDR yang lagi dijalanin bukan sekedar antarprovinsi yang bisa sebulan sekali ketemu, we are in the different island. Beda pulaunya juga nggak yang berarti deket terus bisa ketemu mungkin tiga bulan sekali, tapi dia ada di Sabang, Indonesia.

Nggak gampang emang buat memutuskan untuk kembali menjalani LDR kalo orang yang akan jadi partner lo cemen banget. Dengan pengalaman LDR yang pernah gagal, untuk seorang perempuan yang sangat perlu komitmen, it was a hard decision. Beruntungnya karena ternyata partner yang sekarang punya daya juang yang tinggi untuk mempertahankan dan memperjuangkan, so nothing to worry.

Pasangan gue memiliki cara pandang yang hampir sama kayak gue, tapi nggak semuanya sama. Salah satunya adalah tentang perhatian dan pengertian. Pasangan gue yang ini orangnya boleh dibilang sangat perhatian, untuk masalah perempuan yang selalu mau diperhatiin, gue nggak perlu khawatir karena dia udah ada di level yang lebih dari cukup untuk bisa memperhatikan pasangannya. Gue, yang kata pasangan gue, salah satu temen gue, dan secara general gue menilai diri gue sendiri, I’m lack of giving as much as affection which he does. Gue lebih menanggapi semuanya dengan simple dan mencoba mengerti gimana rasanya jadi orang lain. Gue juga orangnya sangat mentolerir banyak hal asalkan itu positif. Maksudnya gini, saat lo pacaran dan itu berhubungan jarak jauh, nggak ada lagi yang bisa lo andalkan selain smartphone dan koneksi internet, so as possible as you can, you will always keep in touch with him, right? Berhubung semua mahasiswa yang selalu memiliki tugas banyak, gue akan sangat ngerti saat pasangan gue lebih memilih semua hal yang berhubungan dengan dunia perkuliahannya dibandingkan gue, and I’m okay. I really am. Ya karena manusia sifatnya beda-beda, mungkin bisa dibilang bahwa he does not tolerate as much as I do to him. Kita berkebalikan. Sifat gue yang selalu mentolerir banyak hal lah yang jadi mengesankan gue terlalu cuek sama pasangan gue karena gue akan oke-oke aja kalo misalnya hampir seharian dia nggak menghubungi gue demi semua hal yang berhubungan dengan dunia perkuliahannya. In fact, I do not mean to be like that.

Setelah dikomunikasikan dengan panjang lebar dan secara dewasa tentang apa aja yang kita mau, intinya adalah; pasangan gue membutuhkan perhatian, dan gue membutuhkan pengertian. Well, maybe I cannot do the affection as much as you do to me, but I will do as hard as I can to you karena sebenernya untuk mencoba menjadi sessuatu hal yang kita belum terbiasa itu susah loh, tapi kalo berhasil berubah tuh sesuatu yang harus diapresiasi. Being well-known because of the behavior which sticks to you is good, but it cannot be better if you have as much as good behavior you can have. Perhatian dan pengertian itu bukan pilihan, tapi emang harus ada dua-duanya dalam satu hubungan.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

The Real Beauty of Woman

For a woman, beauty is like a status to measure where stage she stands on is. The matter is the fact that woman thinks beauty is measured on how pretty she is. Unfortunately, the beauty itself has some categories to be considered before you say you are beautiful.

The first category is having a natural face. It means that you do not need much makeup to be attractive. If you are really beautiful, everybody will say you are beautiful although you do not use any makeup. Based on the small research which was done by a woman to man (, man actually does not really care about how many kind of makeup you have pour to your face. What they need is the comfort both of you make. On the other hand, there are some jobs which require the employees especially women to be attractive, especially woman with makeup. In that case, you cannot do anything because it is a regulation from your job, but you can still have a natural face. Having a natural face means that you put enough portion to your face. You can use either a soft colour to make your face does not look like a clown or a skin colour to make it look like your real skin.

Doing some exercise is the second category. Beauty is not always measured by your physical appearance. It also depends on your health. Someone who looks so energetic will bring a good aura and it will lead you to a good impression from others. Your health also leads you to a self confidence. If you believe to yourself, you will get good result from everything you have done because what you think and have faith is what you will get. You can start from an easy exercise like jogging, skipping, or everything you think you can do in a short time. Having a good sleep time is also another way to make you healthy and fresh. People prefer to be interested in a woman who is fresh and healthy but not too pretty than a woman who is beautiful but looks so tired.

Another aspect of the real beauty of woman is her intelligence. People will like a woman who has much knowledge. Someone’s knowledge determines how she sees something and how she solves her problem. Woman who has high intelligence can mingle with everybody from every class because she knows how to treat people from up and down classes. With her intelligence, woman also can enhance her status with man. She will not be underestimated by man because she has much knowledge. Woman’s intelligence can also be seen from her experience. Woman with many experiences will be assumed as an active woman. It is also a good impression from others that will give you label as the really beautiful one.

The fourth category is whether the woman is independent or not. Woman who is independent is absolutely a mature one. If you are independent, you will be assumed that you are brave enough to take the blame for what you are going to face. You will also be believed to handle everything by your own. Being independent also can be seen whether or not she can do the house works. Besides your knowledge, a man will see you are beautiful or not from what kind of thing you can do in your house. It is a destiny that woman should take care of the household. Although the globalization has changed everything, but a skill to cook is a must-skill that should be had by every woman. Research found that men love woman who can cook is 33% percents. (

The last but not least, woman is beautiful when she can take care of her surroundings. Taking care of your surroundings means that you want to share everything you have to others. If you think you have knowledge that others do not, you may share with them. If you think you have some clothes that you seldom wear it, you may also share with them. Taking care of surroundings does not always mean it is your relation to others but also to the environment. Keeping the environment clean from your trash is also a form of taking care of surroundings. The important thing in the society is you will be looked based on your habit and your behaviour. How useful you are for your society and what things you can do for your society are the aspects that your beauty is admitted by others.

To sum up, there are many factors that should be considered as the real beauty of woman, such as: having a natural face, doing some exercise, having high intelligence, being independent, and taking care of her surroundings. 

Sunday, 8 September 2013

It is Fate!

No one knows what his/her life would be later on. Pernah nggak sih lo kepikiran kalo orang baik yang lagi sama lo sekarang bisa jadi orang yang nggak begitu baik lagi nantinya? Atau orang yang di samping lo sekarang adalah orang yang nggak lo suka tapi mungkin nanti di masa depan dia jadi orang yang sangat lo butuhin. Have you ever wondered? It is such a mystery!

Kejadian inilah yang proses menuju pos satunya Alhamdulillah udah gue lewatin, tinggal terusin jalan biar sampe ke pos-pos yang lain aja. Dimulai dari seseorang yang sekarang jadi orang yang berarti banget buat gue ngirimin foto setahunan yang lalu. Kesimpulan yang bisa ditarik dari foto itu adalah; lo nggak akan tau seseorang yang ada di sebelah lo saat itu akan tetap jadi orang yang sama beberapa tahun lagi atau nggak. No one knows.

Gue dan orang yang berarti buat gue ini nggak pernah nyangka kalo kita bisa sampe ke tahapan ini. Kita udah saling kenal sekitar tiga tahunan. Selama dua setengah tahunan itu kita cuma temen baik yang saling dukung satu sama lain. I know his past, so does him. Murni, hanya teman. Kita saling kenal dekat sama masa lalu masing-masing. Tapi semuanya berubah semenjak…Tuhan memutarbalikkan dunia kita. Kita ngelewatin bulan-bulan yang sangat berat; dia sama masa lalunya dan gue sama masa lalu gue. Sampe akhirnya masing-masing kisah hidup kita sama orang yang dulu kita pilih, punya ending yang berbeda walaupun tetap segaris lurus.

Sebagai teman yang baik, being there for your best friend is a must. Kita sama-sama saling being there kalo salah satu dari kita membutuhkan bantuan. Intensitas pertemuan dan komunikasilah yang lambat laun tanpa disadari udah masuk ke dalam jalur which is not supposed to be best friend. Semakin nggak kuat buat nyiksa perasaan sendiri, akhirnya kita memantapkan hati dan pilihan to move our track.

Saat semua orang tau track yang lagi kita ambil sekarang, well, mungkin banyak yang pro, kontra, atau mungkin nggak nyangka. Semua orang di sekeliling kita jadi saksi hidup terhadap proses-proses apa aja yang udah kita lewatin. Jelas aja nggak nyangka. Tapi seharusnya nggak usah heran juga dong because this is Allah’s way.

Tadi malam sahabat gue bilang, “Kalo ada yang ngomong apa-apa nggak usah didengerin, Wis. Anggap aja angin lalu. Ini kan bukan kemauan lo.” Memang benar, ini bukan kemauan gue, this is what is called as fate. Lo mungkin nggak akan sadar kalo fate itu sudah diarahkan menuju lo dengan orang yang udah ditakdirkan untuk lo yang mungkin lo nggak akan nyangka. For those who do not know the processes about how this story ends, please do not even try to tell your assumptions to me because I will obviously choose to be the deaf :))