Thursday, 3 July 2014

Teruntuk Pemimpin Hebat Bangsa ini

Teruntuk Pemimpin hebat Bangsa ini,

Bagaimana kabarmu, Pak? Semoga Tuhan Yang Maha Esa senantiasa melindungi dalam setiap langkahmu untuk membuat Negeri ini menjadi jauh lebih baik. Amin. Aku menulis ini untuk sekedar membuatmu tahu tentang paradigma yang dimiliki oleh sebagian orang bangsa ini, Pak.

Didoakeun ku nini neng matak pinter, soleh nya neng, amiin.

Itulah ujar salah seorang nenek yang saat itu aku kunjungi rumahnya karena ingin bertemu dengan cucunya untuk sekedar mengajak ngobrol dan belajar.

Sebelumnya, Pak, aku ini hanyalah seorang mahasiswi biasa, yang tidak begitu pintar, namun beruntungnya aku berada di lingkungan yang SDMnya baik. Terlahir dari anak seorang guru TK, ibuku menularkan kesukaannya terhadap anak-anak padaku. Sejak duduk di bangku kuliah, aku memantapkan diriku untuk sekedar meluangkan sedikit waktuku pada orang lain, khususnya orang-orang yang ada di sekitarku. Selama periode tiga semester, aku berhasil membagi waktuku dengan anak-anak di SDN Banyuresmi, Sumedang. Ingin mengembangkan diriku dengan anak-anak lebih dalam lagi, aku mengikuti organisasi yang berlatar belakang mengajar anak-anak di Sukanegla, Jatinangor. Namun, aku tidak hanya berinteraksi dengan anak-anak saja, melainkan dengan para orang tua di daerah yang masih sangat asri itu.

Kesan pertama yang ada dalam benakku setelah beberapa kali berinteraksi dengan para warga di Sukanegla adalah aku bagaikan raja. Mengapa demikian? Aku merasa sangat dihormati dan dijunjung sekali sebagai mahasiswa. Padahal, aku belum mendapatkan gelar sarjanaku dan mereka pun tidak tahu berapa IPKku, tapi mereka sudah membuat kami, para mahasiswa, seperti seorang raja, seseorang yang tahu segalanya.

Saat aku berkunjung ke rumah Nenek salah satu muridku, aku mendalami sekali apa yang ada di benak salah satu warga Sukanegla. Nenek itu selalu memujiku dalam setiap maksud yang ia sampaikan. Bahkan, ia memintaku untuk mencarikannya pekerjaan, atau paling tidak mempekerjakannya. Nenek itu beranggapan bahwa aku ini mahasiswa, yang kuliah dan punya uang.

Sejujurnya Pak, aku sangat lelah dengan paradigma itu. Aku lelah dengan paradigma bahwa mahasiswa adalah yang paling pintar, yang tahu segalanya, atau yang bisa segalanya. Tidak Nek, aku tidak tahu banyak tentang pengalaman hidup ini seperti Nenek. Aku baru menjalani hidup ini selama 20 tahun, Nek.

Mengapa harus ada diskriminasi profesi? Aku tidak tahu mengapa hal ini bisa terjadi. Apakah masyarakat desa yang terlalu rendah hati? Ataukah memang ada faktor-faktor lain yang membentuk paradigma seperti pada masyarakat yang berada di pinggiran kota di Indonesia?

Aku bisa sedikit menyusuri apa yang ada di pikiran para masyarakat di sekitar kampusku. Memiliki kendaraan pribadi sendiri, memakai pakaian yang bisa dikatakan sangat baik, dan memiliki gadget yang canggih, mungkin menjadi tolak ukur “mahasiswa” yang selama ini mereka lihat. Mereka berpikir bahwa dengan kondisi yang serba cukup, mahasiswa tentu bisa fokus dalam belajarnya. Tidak ada hal lain yang seharusnya dipikirkan oleh mahasiswa selain belajar.

Saat aku diberi beban yakni anggapan para masyarakat sekitar kampusku bahwa mahasiswa adalah yang tahu segalaya, aku hanya takut Pak. Aku takut tidak bisa mempertanggungjawabkan pemikiran itu. Aku, sebagai mahasiswa, hanya ingin menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan masyarakat sekitar kampusku, bukan berarti dianggap seperti raja. Aku, seorang mahasiswa, masih harus belajar banyak dari masyarakat Sukanegla, bukan berarti dianggap yang tahu segalanya.

Untuk siapapun yang kelak akan menjadi Pemimpin Bangsa ini, aku harap Bapak bisa menghapuskan diskriminasi profesi itu, karena sesungguhnya, aku takut jika suatu saat aku melakukan kesalahan, mereka akan langsung memicingkan matanya, mengerutkan keningnya, dan menajamkan lidahnya padaku.

Terima kasih, Pak.

Changing Identity

This is another short story of mine in order to accomplish my score in final exam. Hope you like it :)


A cute puppy came to Amanda before she reached a cozy sofa in a little garden, made by many pillows that are no longer used, and barked as a signal for Amber that her best friend came. Amber, whose parents were very busy, welcomed her best friend with her shiniest eyes like her amber dress coloring the day.

“Do you bring…”

“Yes, hot cappuccino without cream from the Brew CafĂ©.” Amanda replied Amber’s not-finished question. She was the one who really understood her best friend.

“If you work there, I will be the happiest girl ever because my best friend always brings my favorite coffee.” Amber sipped her coffee.

“You wish!” Amanda played with the cute puppy. “I bring you my dress I talked about yesterday. Let’s look how this suits you!”

“Okay, I also have something to show to you.” The volume of the hollow pillows refilled as they went to Amber’s room.

Girls laugh filled Amber’s room, showing how happy they were to be best friends. Through the light of Amanda’s eyes’ color, everybody could see how honest she was to her best friend. She knew what Amber needed. Living with only grandparents who had restaurants in Philly made she love Amber very much as a sister.

“Sometimes I wanna be free.” Said Amber while starring at the mirror and fitting Amanda’s dress.

“Aren’t you free now?” Asked Amanda, stroking her hair. “I mean your parents always allow you to go to place you wanna go.”

“I wanna be someone else,” Silence replied their conversation. “Hey, why don’t we change our identity in the summer? You know…I’ve always wanted to be a 22-year-old girl.” Her starry eyes spoke to Amanda.

“Well, let me think about it.” Amanda did not want to be so easy to her.

It was Amanda’s turn to fit Amber’s dress, which she got from her mother from New York. The way Amanda let herself be helped by Amber was very truthful. She trusted her for entering her safety zone, which if anybody entered, it might be a threat for her. She revealed everything to her best friend, nothing left.

Fifty-year-old voice broke their laugh on young night. It was Amber’s mother.

“Honey,” Said her mother with a strong voice “oh, we have a very special usual guest here.” Said she lowering her voice.

“Mom…please!” Asked Amber like there was something between them had been discussed.

“Hello Amanda!” Greeted unpleasantly. “See you downstairs, Amber, ahem alone.” She threw the most unpleasant smile.


Summer came closer. In every conversation they had, Amber always asked for changing their identity. Being the third person whom she loved very much, Amanda thought she had to give Amber chance to live her life, so did she.

During summer, they decided to spend their time apart from each other to earn different experience. Amanda decided to go to Michigan while Amber went to Georgia, her grandma’s house. That was the time that changing identity was started. Since they went everywhere together, no one would much realize about them. Moreover, they went to another state, which no one would recognize. What they really needed to change their identity was only making a fake ID. Amanda was very good at this one—her ex-boyfriend was. Since they had known for a long time, it was not hard for them to change their habit.

In a happy friendship they created, Amber hid something from Amanda. School was a nightmare for her, no wonder Amanda was her only friend. Being tortured with unknown terrors this last year, she thought changing identity would be the best idea for a while. She was not as honest as Amanda was to her. She shared something but not everything. She had a hard time for trusting people, even if Amanda had nothing left to share.

Hiring an assassin was her certain decision. There were many steps to do but as long as her revenge motive controlled her, she could make it. She had the money to speak with an assassin. She did not reveal much about her identity, but the assassin knew a little about her name and address, because she asked to kill some suspects who studied at Rosewood Senior High School.

She asked to kill those suspects in the cruelest way he had. One of them was killed by falling from the church tower and sticking in the bell. The other suspect was killed by putting him on a big box and putting it on the railway. Another one was killed by putting him on a big box and sawing it with chainsaw.

She had made all of the suspects killed. She thought she could take a breath for a while until unexpected package was in her car luggage in Georgia. It was the assassin body. The assassin had been killed with a note “Georgia still can be grasped by one of my hand. Use your brain, bitch! Warm regards, A.”


Summer ended perfectly for Amanda since she met many new things in life. The perfect summer night was disturbed by the police knocking, searching for Amanda. She heard a little about being accused of serial killer. She was out of breath running to Amber’s house, hoping that she would explain what happened with her identity.

“Amber! Oh God!” She ran into Amber at her yard while she was sitting alone. Amber looked her with her empty eyes. She screwed as well.

“What happened? You must tell me about what did you do in Georgia with my identity that makes the police came to my house!” Silence replied her anger.

“What happened with you? Did you kill…?” Amber’s mother hit her with a golf stick and buried her in the place she had prepared before. Amber sat quietly and stared to her mother, smiling.

Thanks to: Netti Rahmawati for proofreading my work and checking my grammar. Arina Pramudita for helping me in my dramatization.

- Buckley (Dir.). 2010. Pretty Little Liars TV Series. United States: Warner Horizon Television, Alloy Entertainment, Long Lake Production, and Russian Hill Production. 

Word Count: 966

Click here if you want me narrating you this story :D

Alona with Her Loneliness

On behalf of my midterm examination, I wrote this short story. Hope you enjoy this one :)


This road reminded me a lot about every single thing that happened to me ten years ago. In this intersection, that unstoppable smile accompanied me to get back to home and, at the same time, that unstoppable smile welcomed me to my new home. Ah! A small place, where in the rainy season there was no guarantee we would stay dry and warm, did not have any reparation physically yet it repaired my sight about the government that showed their empathy to this place.

I remembered exactly the first day I was welcomed by their warm greetings, but this special 100-centimeters child welcomed me with her hugs around my waist. Shocked and happy flew together with my blood. My brain told me to keep smiling until some utterance made me frown.

“Alona, why do you hug our beautiful teacher with your dirty clothes and hands?” asked the red one. She just showed her teeth happily.

“You don’t fit with us.” said the blonde one.

My heart deeply cried. I saw there was such a big wall that they built to make a relationship with her but the fact that she did not notice what they did made her smile last forever.

Haunted by Alona’s specialne, I talked to some people about her life. She was actually 17-year-old girl who lived by her grandparents because her parents worked out of town. She used to throw everything near her no matter it was alive or not. The last time I remember, she threw a cute kitty right after she kissed the kitty.


Days grew faster, the more I knew Alona was very different, the more I was sure she was a nice girl that nobody admitted it. She did not want to study using book and pen as many children were excited about, but playing some instruments and singing. Bonnie, a friend of mine, was very impressed when Alona asked to play his guitar and sing together.

Fire flamed through a long white curtain fulfilled entire rooms of village hall, made the screaming as a lullaby to Sukanegla’s civilization. Everybody was scattered around the hall bringing as many palls as they could. Alona’s eyeball moved from the right to left edge following her heart’s beat, showed her anxiety. She did not know what was happening and just sat cross-legged while kept closing her ears. Bonnie came to her and carried her on his back, which then made her anxiety faded away with carefully quick steps.

“You’re going to be alright, Al.” said he calming her down. She just smiled and murmured to him.
“Why are you so egoistic? You don’t know how worried I am now. Do you know how does it feel when someone you care about doesn’t seem care to you? It sucks!” He seemed angry with Alona yet he kept hugging her tightly in a crowded night. What she did was only grinning to him.

He brought her to a safe place where she felt like home. Everything seemed much fine to her when she was in her warm home, even though she always made everything fine. A warm home that she didn’t have to face the fact that not all of people cared about her led her to a new life she didn’t expect before. In his hug, she didn’t need to worry about what people said about her and how arrogant the world to her is. It didn’t last long because one by one people came to knock her home and kept messing her home.

“It’s all because of you! You’re no different with your parents!” said a fat woman while kept pointing her index finger to her.

“I am very sorry about what happened tonight that caused by my little sister but I think we cannot fully blame her because she’s only a special girl.” said Bonnie with a very calm voice.

“We all here have given up in tolerating this kid. It’s just her who cannot adapt with us!” replied her with a raising voice.

“The other students and I are trying to understand what Alona’s world looks like. We also want she adapts well in here, but it takes time. I’m sure she can behave way better than this gradually. I can guarantee.” said him with a strong voice.


Some teachers and I saw she had a hidden ability, or it was just us who did not notice her present. She showed some progress to us that she could pronounce quite clearly about Marawis’ song, even it just one or two syllables. She also could synchronize her mind and her body; which was shown when she took guitar and played it randomly. The good news in months she showed to us kept our smile last in our heart forever.

Word count: 797

- Most of this story is based on one of my students' life at Taman Ilmu
- Instrumental musics from youtube

Click here if you want to hear me read you this story :D